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Willy Woo

The price is crashing because of paper Bitcoin?

The amount of paper Bitcoin surged while the actual spot price of the cryptocurrency dropped big time, and an analyst thinks this is a...

German government sells 900 Bitcoin

The German government sold a bigger-ish amount of Bitcoin, leading to concerns about its impact on Bitcoin prices. Possible impact, let me say this. Paper...

Where is the miner capitulation?

Bitcoin miners are continuing to sell their assets under growing pressure, but analysts say a major sell-off hasn't happened yet. This selling isn’t that selling Bitcoin...

Los ETFs están comprando, pero los precios no suben. ¿Por qué?

Bitcoin ha enfrentado presión a la baja a pesar de las grandes compras por parte de fondos cotizados (ETFs). Un analista explica las razones...

ETFs kaufen, aber die Preise steigen nicht. Warum?

Bitcoin steht trotz großer Käufe durch börsengehandelte Fonds unter Druck. Ein Analyst erklärt die Gründe für diesen Trend. Käufer und Verkäufer In einem aktuellen Beitrag auf...

ETFs buying, but prices aren’t going up. Why?

Bitcoin has been facing downward pressure despite large purchases by spot exchange-traded funds. An analyst explains the reasons behind this trend. Investors buying AND selling In...

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