

Warning from the FBI: North Korean hackers target crypto industry

The United States FBI just issued an alert about sophisticated attacks from North Korean hackers against the cryptocurrency industry and companies associated with digital...

UK High Court freezes assets in $4 billion OneCoin fraud case

The UK High Court issued a global asset freeze on individuals involved in the $4 billion OneCoin fraud case. This order targets the assets...

Neue Krypto-Betrugsmaschen

Das FBI hat vor einer neuen Betrugsmasche gewarnt, bei der Betrüger sich als Anwälte ausgeben und anbieten, verlorene Kryptowährungen wiederzubeschaffen. Das Internet Crime Complaint...

Nuevas estafas de criptomonedas

El FBI ha emitido una advertencia sobre un nuevo tipo de estafa en la que los estafadores se hacen pasar por abogados, ofreciendo servicios...

New crypto scams

The FBI has issued a warning about a new type of scam where fraudsters pose as lawyers, offering services to recover lost cryptocurrency. The...

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