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Illicit crypto flows since 2019: $100 billion, but illicit USD flows: $5400 billion

A new report by Bloomberg reveals that nearly $100 billion in illegal funds have been funneled through the crypto market since 2019. It still less than the tenth of the illicit USD usage.

Illegale Krypto-Flüsse seit 2019: 100 Milliarden Dollar, aber illegale USD-Flüsse: 5400 Milliarden Dollar

Ein neuer Bericht von Bloomberg zeigt, dass seit 2019 fast 100 Milliarden Dollar an illegalen Geldern durch den Kryptomarkt geflossen sind. Das ist immer noch weniger als ein Zehntel der illegalen Nutzung von US-Dollar.

Kraken and Atletico Madrid partnership

Kraken, one of the world’s leading crypto platforms, announced a partnership with Atletico Madrid, a renowned football club.

Crypto users aren’t that optimistic anymore

A new survey reveals that fewer than half of cryptocurrency investors are optimistic about the market. We’re two months after the Bitcoin halving, so this shift in sentiment is big.

Ultimate Bitcoin rally may coming, indicators are flashing signals

Bitcoin often experiences gigantic price jumps after longer periods of stability. History suggests that now we could see something similar, a major surge soon.

Santa Monica launches Bitcoin office

Santa Monica opened an own Bitcoin office to increase awareness and integration of Bitcoin among its citizens and the visitors, tourists.

Solana ETF officially confirmed by Cboe

Plans to introduce Solana ETFs are moving forward again. According to CoinGecko’ data, SOL is the most popular blockchain ecosystem this year, with Ethereum close behind.

Crypto adoption in Argentina on fire

Argentina became a leading market for cryptocurrency adoption as the country faces a big increase in inflation.

Fear&Greed Index hits lowest level in one and a half year


The Bitcoin Fear & Greed Index, the famous or infamous indicator which tracks the overall market sentiment, just dropped to its lowest level since January 2023, reaching 27.

The second spot Bitcoin ETF is coming to Australia

Australia gave the green light to a second spot Bitcoin ETF, this time from asset manager DigitalX.