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SEC genehmigt ersten Spot-Ethereum-ETF, der Handel beginnt

Die Securities and Exchange Commission hat den ersten börsengehandelten Fonds für Ethereum zugelassen.

El precio de Bitcoin puede subir mucho más de lo que pensamos

Mark Cuban, el multimillonario y estrella de Shark Tank, cree que Bitcoin tiene un futuro brillante y que su precio podría dispararse pronto.

Hive Digital expands Bitcoin mining operations to Paraguay

Bitcoin miner Hive Digital plans to establish a 100-megawatt zero emission mining facility in Paraguay, powered by the Itaipu hydroelectric dam.

SEC approves first spot Ethereum ETF, let the trading start

The Securities and Exchange Commission gave green light to the first-ever exchange-traded funds for Ethereum.

Bitcoin-Preis kann viel höher steigen als gedacht

Mark Cuban, der Milliardär und Star aus der Show Shark Tank, ist der Meinung, dass Bitcoin eine glänzende Zukunft hat und der Preis bald in die Höhe schießen könnte.

Don’t hurry with the bull-run, JPMorgan says good days won’t last long

The price of bitcoin now is too high compared to its production cost and its volatility-adjusted comparison to gold, JPMorgan’s experts think.

Litecoin in Fidelity’s portfolio, ETF is coming?

Litecoin has often been in the shadows of more popular cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin, evident from its past performance.

Mt. Gox begins 0.021 Bitcoin transfers, likely as test

Mt. Gox, the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange is moving forward with its plan to repay its creditors by transferring Bitcoin to various exchanges.

Bitcoin price can go way higher than we think

Mark Cuban, the billionaire and star of Shark Tank believes that Bitcoin has a bright future ahead, and he thinks Bitcoin’s price could skyrocketing pretty soon.

Dogecoin price hits monthly high, interest is growing

Dogecoin’s price jumped to its highest level in a month, causing growing interest among futures traders.