Crypto money

$135 investment into $1.2 million in 15 days, the memecoin dream?

A crypto trader made headlines by turning a $135 purchase of an Ethereum-based memecoin called TERMINUS, aka First City in Mars into $1.2 million...

Justin Sun announced TRX airdrop for TRON memecoin creators

TRON is set to give away 888 TRX to every team that creates a memecoin on its SunPump platform. This idea comes as the...

Justin Sun kündigt TRX-Airdrop für TRON Memecoin-Schöpfer an

TRON wird 888 TRX an jedes Team verschenken, das einen Memecoin auf seiner SunPump-Plattform erstellt. Diese Idee kommt, da die Plattform mit einem enormen...

Justin Sun oznámil TRX airdrop pre tvorcov TRON memecoin

TRON rozdá 888 TRX každému tímu, ktorý vytvorí memecoin na jeho platforme SunPump. Tento nápad prichádza v čase, keď platforma čelí obrovskému poklesu aktivity,...

What are XRP’s long term outlooks?

Ripple’s XRP experienced a visible surge in whale activity, and investors holding over $5 million in XRP now control about 55% of the total...

ما هي توقعات XRP على المدى الطويل؟

شهد الريبل XRP ارتفاعًا واضحًا في نشاط الحيتان، ويسيطر المستثمرون الذين يمتلكون أكثر من 5 ملايين دولار من الريبل XRP الآن على حوالي 55%...

Australia to require crypto firms to hold financial services licenses, like banks

Australian regulators are preparing a new legislation that will require crypto exchanges to obtain financial services licenses. This move extends beyond the current licensing...

BNB price at $600, but what’s next?

BNB just started to rise again, moving above the $550 resistance level. It is currently stabilizing near $600 and everyone wants answer, will it...

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